Dr. Les Hansen on crossbreeding - 2013 World Ag Expo in California
Crossbreeding Study - July 2019
Final results of the 10-year designed study of ProCROSS cows versus their Holstein herdmates
Unlike previous research on crossbreeding of dairy cattle, this 10-year study had controlled
and balanced enrollment of foundation cows, had a clear design, used high-ranking proven
A.I. bulls for all breeds (Holstein, Viking Red, and Montbeliarde), and had dedicated
recording of data by the high-performance participating herds
Click Here for the study - Reported in lb (pdf)
Click Here for the study - Reported in kg (pdf)
Crossbreeding Study - January 2016
Comparison of Montbeliarde × Holstein and Viking Red × Holstein crossbreds
with pure Holstein cows during first lactation in 8 commercial dairies in Minnesota
The documented decline of health, fertility, and survival of pure Holsteins has resulted in tremendous global interest in crossbreeding of dairy cattle. Monitoring of genetic relationships and inbreeding of Holsteins has been an on-going area of interest for researcher Dr. Les Hansen. The majority of Dr. Hansen's research at the University of Minnesota currently is focused on the comparison of crossbreds versus pure Holsteins.
Click Here for the study - Reported in lb (pdf)
Click Here for the study - Reported in kg (pdf)